European Crowdfunding Market Report 2023

Discover the latest trends and insights into the European crowdfunding landscape!

We proudly present the European Crowdfunding Market Report 2023, the most comprehensive analysis of crowdfunding activities across Europe. Researched and authored by a team of industry experts, this report provides key insights into the current state and future directions of the European crowdfunding market.

Inside the report:

  • Analysis of crowdfunding platforms: their modes of operation, scope, scale, and development
  • Crowdfunding volumes, growth figures, and market share data
  • Profiles and behaviors of fundraisers/backers/borrowers
  • Profiles and behaviors of backers/investors/lenders
  • Updates on legal and regulatory aspects impacting compliance
  • Latest trends in platform technology services and development

Researched by our experienced analyst team:

Rotem Shneor, Crowdfunding Research Center
Konstantin Boyko, CEO at CrowdSpace and LenderKit
Karsten Wenzlaff, Institute of Communications for Social Media
Prince Baah-Peprah, University of Agder
Ana Odorović, Institute of Law and Economics of the University of Hamburg
Olga Okhrimenko, CrowdSpace

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Get our latest European Crowdfunding Market Report 2023

Our brand new report gives insights into the state of the crowdfunding market in general and goes in-depth regarding funding volumes, backer and fundraiser profiles, regulatory implications, technical challenges and more. Grab your copy, it's FREE!