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Paskolos paskirtis - daugiabučio namo rekonstrukcijos darbai. Šis projektas bus finansuojamas etapais. Pirmo finansavimo etapo metu investuotojams įkeistas turtas (pastatas, sklypas) bus naudojamas užtikrinti ir kitų (papildomų) finansavimo etapų projekto savininko įsipareigojimus. Kiti finansavimo etapai galimi su sąlyga, kad projekto savininkas pakels įkeičiamo turto vertę iki tokios, kuri atitiktų nustatytą maksimalų LTV - 50 %. Visų etapų investuotojams turtas bus įkeistas pirmine hipoteka. Prieš kitų (papildomų) etapų finansavimą, privalės būti atliktas nepriklausomas įkeičiamo turto vertinimas. Pirmo finansavimo etapo LTV yra 31%.

About the Profitus

ECSP license
Profitus Verified platform

Profitus is a crowdfunding and investment platform with a minimum investment of 100 euros, secured by real estate or warranty. It operates 24/7 and collaborates with Paysera, Trustly, and Creditinfo.

Minimum investment
100 EUR
Advertised return
Payment options
Direct debit, Bank transfer
Total funding volume
126,833,230 EUR
Average loan duration
What does Profitus offer?

Profitus is a crowdfunding and investment platform whose main goal is to make investment available to everyone. Investments start at 100 euros, and the platform is open 24/7. Investments are secured by pledging real estate and other collateral (e.g., indemnity or warranty). Different projects have different security tools that users can access in self-service for each project.

Profitus consults with the Bank of Lithuania in order to ensure perfect compliance with the law. Monetary operations on the platform are carried out in cooperation with Paysera and Trustly. The risk relating to the project and project owner are assessed on the basis of information provided by Creditinfo.

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