CrowdSpace application form

for crowdfunding platform owners

[file* platform_logo filetypes:gif|png|jpg|jpeg|svg limit:2mb id:file-upload]
[url* link placeholder "Enter your platform link"]
[text* address placeholder "Enter your address"]
[text* license placeholder "Enter your license number"]
[text* min_investment placeholder "Enter minimum investment"]
[text* platform_fee placeholder "Enter platform fee"]
[text* payment_fee placeholder "Enter payment fee"]
[text interest_rate placeholder "Enter interest rate"]
[radio secondary-market use_label_element default:1 "Yes" "No"]
[textarea* can_invest placeholder "Provide a short description"]
[textarea* pros_cons placeholder "Describe here"]
[url twitter_link placeholder "Enter Twitter link"][url linkedin_link placeholder "Enter LinkedIn link"]
[text* your-name placeholder "Enter name"]
crowdfunding report 2023
Get our latest European Crowdfunding Market Report 2023

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