European Crowdfunding Market Survey 2023

Participate in the annual survey of the crowdfunding and alternative investment platforms from Europe

crowdfunding market survey 2023


We are excited to announce the launch of the European Crowdfunding Market Survey in collaboration with the School of Business and Law at the University of Adger. Our primary objective is to provide all stakeholders interested in the European Crowdfunding Market with the most comprehensive and up-to-date industry insights, facts, and figures.

We warmly invite representatives from all types of crowdfunding platforms, including equity crowdfunding, P2P lending, reward crowdfunding, donation crowdfunding, patronage, and more, to participate in this survey. Your valuable input will contribute to shaping the future of the European Crowdfunding industry.

The survey questions cover a wide range of important topics, including:

1️⃣ Platforms modes, scope, and scale of operations.

2️⃣ Fundraiser/Backer/Borrower profiles.

3️⃣ Backer/investor/lender profiles.

4️⃣ Legal aspects and compliance.

5️⃣ Technical development and services.

By participating in this survey, you will have the opportunity to share your experiences, opinions, and insights, which will aid in the development of a robust understanding of the European Crowdfunding Market.

The Crowdfunding Research Centre at the University of Adger’s School of Business and Law is leading this project and will oversee the data collection and analysis process.

We are also proud to collaborate with esteemed national industry associations including Bulgarian FinTech Association (Bulgaria)Bundesverband Crowdfunding eV (Germany)Czech and Slovak Crowdfunding Association (Czech Republic and Slovakia), Dansk Crowdfunding Forening (Denmark)Financement Participatif France (France)Latvian FinTech Association (Latvia),  Norsk Crowdfunding Forening (Norway),  Stichting MKB Financiering (Netherlands),  Romanian FinTech Association (Romania), and the UK Crowdfunding Association (UK).

Your contribution matters!

Click the button below to begin the survey.