List of Equity crowdfunding platforms in Brazil

Enjoy an extensive, up-to-date list of Equity crowdfunding platforms in Brazil managed by their representatives. It ensures the information you find below is always relevant and concise. Use the filters to fine-tune your search and explore the options that match your goals.

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            There are 12 Equity crowdfunding platforms in Brazil. They focus on Real estate, Startups, SME, Sustainability, Green energy or Farming providing different investment opportunities for retail and accredited investors.

            The minimum investment amount varies from platform to platform and usually depends on the industry or particular platform goals. On this listing, you will find crowdfunding platforms that offer investment opportunities starting at 450 € with a maximum investment amount of 5000 .

            As a crowdfunding platform directory, we verify the most active crowdfunding platforms if they reach out and claim their profile.

            Fun fact: among all the crowdfunding platforms listed here, the oldest has been founded in 2013 and the youngest in 2021.

            Is investing in Equity crowdfunding platforms in Brazil profitable?

            Overall, it can bring profit depending on your goals, investment strategy, and the reliability of both the crowdfunding platform and the project itself. It’s also important to take into consideration the market profitability and stability, your portfolio details, and the legislative framework operating in the country. 

            It’s best to review each of the above-mentioned aspects separately to understand the potential risk vs profit ratio better. Make sure you leverage multiple sources for your research. Consult financial experts, explore the platform’s website, and read investors’ reviews. 

            As obvious as it may seem, make sure to expand your search beyond just a few providers. Take some time to look into more than a few Equity crowdfunding investment platforms in Brazil to form a good idea of the investing climate within the niche. It will give an idea of the market’s economic potential, current competition, and financial opportunities. 

            So, explore the options, get familiar with the risks and benefits associated, and don’t neglect consulting financial advisors if needed.


            How do you reduce the risks of investing in a Equity crowdfunding platform in Brazil?

            Before proceeding with the recommendations on this, it’s essential to understand that investing via <type>-based crowdfunding platforms inherently carries the risk of losing the capital invested. What’s more, it’s even considered higher than traditional investing. 

            To make a firm decision, you need to be well aware of those risks and what you can do to manage and minimize them. By learning this info, you’ll be able to define the risk level you’re comfortable with. Here is what you can do.

            1. Research again. Yes, the due diligence part is essential in the crowdfunding business, so checking the platform’s track record, reviews, fees & policies is a must. In addition, evaluate the project you’re interested in: the business plan, leadership team, and their background. When in doubt, we encourage you to get a second opinion by consulting a financial advisor or the project managers themselves to ask all the pressing questions. 
            2. Buyback guarantees. Choose providers who offer security guarantees to investors and have it clearly stated in their agreement terms. Buyback guarantees are the platform’s commitment to return the funds to investors should the borrower go bust or the campaign doesn’t take off. Before making any decisions, contact the company or the project representatives to connect on the security measures and exit options you have in place.
            3. Diversification. Enough has been said about the importance of diversification but it’s never extra to refresh. Always spread your investment across a few projects to ensure you don’t entirely lose the money, should things go south with one of the loans. 
            4. Keep up with the regulations. The crowdfunding area has seen major growth over the past decades, and it’s finally come to a point where more regulations are being adopted to make it more transparent and established.

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            FAQ about Equity crowdfunding in Brazil

            How much money do I need to start investing in Equity campaigns on crowdfunding sites in Brazil?

            Depending on the project specifics and the platform’s policies, the minimum investment amount can vary a lot, which is good because everyone can choose based on their investing experience and appetite.

            Is investing on Equity crowdfunding sites in Brazil a good idea for a beginner?

            A short yes or no answer here would be too generic and inaccurate. Suppose you’ve taken care of the due diligence preparation steps above, and have carefully evaluated your strategy, the project, and the possible risks you’re ready to take. In that case, you can start investing on the selected sites.

            What are the main criteria for finding the best Equity crowdfunding platforms in Brazil?
            • Reputation: make sure it’s a solid one with decent reviews and a record of successfully completed campaigns.
            • Investor protection and asset liquidity: as discussed before, see what guarantees the platform offers to protect investors and their funds. Also, inquire if and how you can withdraw the capital invested. Some projects may not foresee such an option. 
            • Customer support: even before signing up, you can reach out to customer support with some minor questions or details you’d like to clarify. Prompt reaction and clear communication will help you assess the overall client treatment culture at the company. 
            • User experience: you don’t have to be an expert to understand how convenient the website is and what experience it provides you with. So, while surfing it, try to answer these simple questions: Is the interface intuitive and easy to use? Does it make your investing experience easier? Does it offer any handy options to save your time or to automate your recurring tasks? As you understand, companies that care about their customers care about their experience in the first place.