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Human&Go is a crowdfunding platform supporting projects in disability, autonomy, and vulnerable populations, managed by the Human&Go Endowment Fund, set up by CCAH.

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Was bedeutet Human&Go bieten ?

Human&Go is a crowdfunding platform managed by the Human&Go Endowment Fund.

The purpose of the endowment fund is to carry out and/or support projects of general interest in the field of disability, the maintenance of autonomy or in the direction of vulnerable populations.

The common objective of these projects, actions or initiatives is to improve the daily life of people with disabilities, the elderly, in precarious situations, as well as their families and caregivers. The values ​​of the endowment fund are those of sharing, commitment and solidarity.

The Human&Go endowment fund was set up by the Comité national Coordination Action Handicap (CCAH), a recognized public utility association created in 1971. The CCAH and its members support project leaders with the aim of improving the daily lives of people with disabilities and promote living together. The CCAH relies on its expertise in the sector to support and finance projects, offer training and advice to structures engaged in a disability approach and develop a national center for exchanges and sharing.

Who can donate on Human&Go ?

Personal, Corporate

Human&Go ist Mitglied von Financement Participatif France.
Stärke des Profils: Zwischenbericht

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