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Seedstarter is an equity crowdfunding platform that connects investors with innovative startups across industries.

Minimale Investition
25 USD
Ausgeschriebene Rücksendung
Bank transfer, Credit card, Direct debit
Was bedeutet Seedstarter bieten ?

For Investors:
MySeedStarter allows individuals, including non-accredited investors, to participate in equity crowdfunding with investments starting as low as $25. The platform connects investors to startups and small businesses across diverse industries, providing opportunities to support entrepreneurial innovation and potentially benefit from their growth. It emphasizes investor safety while making startup investment accessible to a broader audience.

For Fundraisers:
MySeedStarter offers entrepreneurs and small businesses an easy-to-use platform for raising funds through Regulation Crowdfunding. It supports founders in launching campaigns that attract investors, leveraging the platform’s tools and resources to communicate their vision effectively. This approach enables businesses to secure capital while building a community of supporters.

Was sind Seedstarter Gebühren ?

Seedstarter charges two different fees:

Application Fee – Each company that is selected to raise on Seedstarter will have to pay a $300 fee.

Raise Fee – Companies only pay a raise fee if they successfully reach their funding goal. The raise fee is 6.5% of the total funds raised in cash and a 1% in kind commission of the securities offered in the issuance.

Stärke des Profils: Zwischenbericht
Would you invest via Seedstarter?
Was ist die Zielbranche der Seedstarter Crowdfunding-Website?

Seedstarter bietet an, in verschiedene Crowdfunding-Möglichkeiten aus dem Sektor Startups zu investieren.

Wie hoch ist der Mindestbetrag, der für eine Investition bei Seedstarter Crowdfunding-Plattform zu investieren?

Bei Seedstarter können Sie mit einer Investition von US$25€ beginnen.

Welche Arten von Investitionen bietet die Seedstarter Crowdfunding-Plattform zur Verfügung?

Die Investitionsmodelle Seedstarter arbeitet ist Equity.

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