
La Première Brique

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La Première Brique, a real estate crowdfunding platform accessible from 1€, offers an 11% average return, prioritizing transparent, fee-free investments.

Minimale Investition
Ausgeschriebene Rücksendung
Bank transfer, Credit card
100,000,000 EUR
Durchschnittliche Kreditdauer
Was bedeutet La Première Brique bieten ?

La Première Brique is a real estate crowdfunding platform accessible from 1€ offering an average rate of return of 11% gross!

Our objective? Make your savings profitable, simply.

Our DNA? Offer efficient and lively investments in a transparent manner and without any fees!

La Première Brique is regulated by the Prudential Supervision and Regulation Authority (ACPR) and registered in the Single Registry of Insurance, Banking and Finance Intermediaries (ORIAS) under number 19002641.

The security of our investors and the careful selection of our projects make our platform successful. We support both our project leaders in raising funds and our investors towards an attractive rate of return to boost their savings.

In wen kann investiert werden La Première Brique ?

Any adult natural person or any legal entity can invest in La Première Brique. All you need to do is register , upload compliant supporting documents which will be validated by our payment service provider and then by our teams.

It will also be necessary to check your email. This will allow you to have a complete profile allowing you to invest!

Was sind La Première Brique Gebühren ?

La Première Brique has chosen to offer a service without any costs, because we want to offer a service accessible to all.

Crediting and debiting your wallet is 100% free for you.

The fact that our platform is free for you means that we cover these transaction costs! Transaction fees represent on average 1% of the amount financed during a collection and they are directly deducted from our profits!

Stärke des Profils: Stark
Would you invest via La Première Brique?
Was ist die Zielbranche der La Première Brique Crowdfunding-Website?

La Première Brique bietet an, in verschiedene Crowdfunding-Möglichkeiten aus dem Sektor Real estate zu investieren.

Wie hoch ist der Mindestbetrag, der für eine Investition bei La Première Brique Crowdfunding-Plattform zu investieren?

Bei La Première Brique können Sie mit einer Investition von €1€ beginnen.

Welche Arten von Investitionen bietet die La Première Brique Crowdfunding-Plattform zur Verfügung?

Die Investitionsmodelle La Première Brique arbeitet ist Debt.

La Première Brique Alternativen

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