Danish crowdfunding association

We are a member-driven association whose purpose is to promote awareness of crowdfunding in Denmark.

We are currently working with 3 action areas.

- Politics
Through our large network, and by active lobbying, we work to make crowdfunding known, widespread, and with the best legislation to back it up.

- Lectures and Events
We make each other smarter by sharing our knowledge and experiences. Through lectures and events, we focus on crowdfunding - all over the country.

- Counseling
We maintain the corps of advisers we know. We provide contact to our advisers, who all work outside the association's auspices.

Informations clés

  • Adresse Nyhavn 35, kld DK-1051 Copenhagen K

Members of Danish crowdfunding association

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crowdfunding report 2023
Obtenez notre dernier rapport sur le marché européen du crowdfunding 2023.

Notre tout nouveau rapport donne un aperçu de l'état du marché du crowdfunding en général et approfondit les volumes de financement, les profils des bailleurs de fonds et des collecteurs de fonds, les implications réglementaires, les défis techniques et bien d'autres choses encore. Prenez votre exemplaire, il est GRATUIT !