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DonorsChoose is a nonprofit crowdfunding platform that enables public school teachers across the United States to request essential materials and experiences for their students. Founded in 2000 by a high school teacher in the Bronx, the platform connects educators with donors who wish to support classroom projects, foste...

Minimum donation
Bank transfer, Direct debit
Total amount donated

DonorsChoose is a nonprofit crowdfunding platform that enables public school teachers across the United States to request essential materials and experiences for their students. Founded in 2000 by a high school teacher in the Bronx, the platform connects educators with donors who wish to support classroom projects, fostering an environment where students have the resources they need to succeed.

Was bedeutet DonorsChoose bieten ?

DonorsChoose provides individuals with the opportunity to directly impact public school classrooms by funding projects that resonate with them. Donors can browse a wide array of teacher-submitted requests, ranging from basic supplies to innovative learning experiences, and contribute any amount to projects of their choice. The platform ensures transparency by providing detailed reports on how donations are utilized and the outcomes achieved.

For educators, DonorsChoose offers a user-friendly platform to seek financial support for classroom needs. Teachers can create project proposals outlining specific resources or experiences they require, which are then showcased to potential donors nationwide. This empowers teachers to enhance their students’ learning environments without bearing the financial burden personally.

Who can donate on DonorsChoose ?

DonorsChoose welcomes contributions from individuals, organizations, and corporations who wish to support public education. Donors must be at least 18 years old or at least 13 years old with parental or legal guardian permission, and physically located in the United States.

Was sind DonorsChoose Gebühren ?

While creating and posting projects is free for teachers, the platform incorporates certain fees to cover operational costs. A fulfillment labor and materials fee of $30 is added to each project to manage the procurement and delivery of resources.

Donors are also encouraged to allocate 15% of their donation towards DonorsChoose operations, but this is optional and can be adjusted during the donation process.

Stärke des Profils: Zwischenbericht

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