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Different.org is an online crowdfunding philanthropy platform that sources and funds impactful projects in South Africa, ensuring that 100% of donations go directly to the selected causes.

Minimum donation
Bank transfer, Direct debit
Total amount donated
Was bedeutet Different.org bieten ?

Donors can choose from a variety of carefully evaluated charity projects to support through direct donations, activist challenges, or policy donation allocations from Different Life.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can partner with Different.org to have their projects featured on the platform, gaining exposure and access to potential donors committed to making a difference.

Who can donate on Different.org ?

Individuals worldwide can contribute to the listed projects, provided they have a valid payment method and an interest in supporting South African initiatives.

Was sind Different.org Gebühren ?

There are no fees for donors or NGOs; all operational costs are covered by Different Life, allowing 100% of donations to reach the intended projects without any deductions.

Stärke des Profils: Stark

Different.org Alternativen

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