Green Currency

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Green Currency offers a Stakeholder Investors Platform for crowdfunding investment opportunities in green energy production, cleantech and sustainability projects in developing countries, in partnership with the Yme Foundation.

Investissement minimum
Retour annoncé
Options de paiement
Volume de financement total
Durée moyenne du prêt
Qu'est-ce que Green Currency offrir ?

Green Currency AS (GC) was formed based on direct experience from due dilligence for international investors, through renewable energy projects where we have raised funds and experienced the value of a close relationship with stakeholders. We have experience from developing countries, both technical, market, finance and from a development perspective.

We have joined forces with our strategic partner Yme Foundation who has worked with international aid and -development projects for 25 years, often in cooperation with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NORAD, UNOCHA and UNICEF. Together we develop the “Stakeholder Investors Platform” (SIP) in order to apply crowdfunding techniques and -tech to professionalize involvement of diaspora communities and private investors, in developing countries. We want to offer crowdlending investment opportunities in developing countries, within

Green Energy Production (typically solar and wind based production facilities),
Cleantech (Environmental technology and startups)
Sustainability-driven projects

Qui peut investir dans Green Currency ?

Personal, Corporate

Green Currency est membre de Norsk Crowdfunding Forening.
Résistance du profil: Intermédiaire
Would you invest via Green Currency?
Quel est le secteur d'activité cible du Green Currency site web de crowdfunding?

Green Currency propose d’investir dans diverses opportunités de crowdfunding du secteur Green energy.

Quel est le montant minimum requis pour investir sur Green Currency plateforme de crowdfunding?

Chez Green Currency, vous pouvez commencer à investir avec 1€€.

Quels types d'investissement la plateforme de crowdfunding Green Currency plateforme de crowdfunding ?

Le modèle d’investissement Green Currency fonctionne est P2P lending.

Green Currency alternatives

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