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Doorway is a venture capital investment platform that simplifies the process of accessing high returns. They have a team of experienced investors and professionals who invest in the deals they propose.

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Qu'est-ce que Doorway offrir ?

Venture Capital investments can give high returns: we are your professional, reliable and international partner to access this asset class. As investors, we think that venture capital is an asset class that, despite its risks, has the potential to produce very good returns and is the growth engine of an innovative, sustainable, and inclusive economy.

Our mission is to provide access to this type of investment to a wider audience of investors, and we do so through our proprietary technology platform to simplify the entire process. We are a right mix of professionals with more than 30 years of experience in Angel Investing, VC and professional consulting and competent, caring and ambitious young people. We have made over 70 personal investments and believe in professionalism, expertise and attention to detail: we invest ourselves in the Deals we propose and treat each investment as if it were our own.

Qui peut investir dans Doorway ?

Both natural persons and legal persons can invest. The investment by the legal person must be made by a natural person with the necessary authorizations. In case of investment in startup or innovative SME, the Company (S.p.A., S.r.l., etc.) will be eligible for the investment benefit in the form of tax deduction and the alternative share rubrication scheme. The construction of the Pir Alternative and its related tax benefits accrue exclusively to individuals.

Résistance du profil: Intermédiaire
Would you invest via Doorway?
Quel est le secteur d'activité cible du Doorway site web de crowdfunding?

Doorway propose d’investir dans diverses opportunités de crowdfunding du secteur SME.

Quel est le montant minimum requis pour investir sur Doorway plateforme de crowdfunding?

Chez Doorway, vous pouvez commencer à investir avec €0€.

Quels types d'investissement la plateforme de crowdfunding Doorway plateforme de crowdfunding ?

Le modèle d’investissement Doorway fonctionne est Equity.

Doorway alternatives

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crowdfunding report 2023
Obtenez notre dernier rapport sur le marché européen du crowdfunding 2023.

Notre tout nouveau rapport donne un aperçu de l'état du marché du crowdfunding en général et approfondit les volumes de financement, les profils des bailleurs de fonds et des collecteurs de fonds, les implications réglementaires, les défis techniques et bien d'autres choses encore. Prenez votre exemplaire, il est GRATUIT !