
Plateforme vérifiée

AxiaFunder connects investors with vetted commercial litigation investments in the UK and continental Europe for attractive risk-adjusted returns.

Investissement minimum
1,000 GBP
Retour annoncé
Options de paiement
Volume de financement total
Qu'est-ce que AxiaFunder offrir ?

AxiaFunder is an online litigation crowdfunding platform that connects investors with carefully vetted commercial litigation investment opportunities that we believe have the potential to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns. AxiaFunder’s team have a combined 40+ years of financial experience and a combined 30+ years of litigation experience. AxiaFunder is focusing on the smaller end of the commercial litigation market (mainly in the UK and continental Europe) where we believe there is a significant shortage of capital and many clearly viable cases.

Qui peut investir dans AxiaFunder ?

In the UK, AxiaFunder offers investment opportunities to the following categories of investors only: certified high net worth individuals, self-certified sophisticated investors
and professional investors.

AxiaFunder est membre de UK crowdfunding association (UKCFA).
Résistance du profil: Intermédiaire
Would you invest via AxiaFunder?
Quel est le secteur d'activité cible du AxiaFunder site web de crowdfunding?

AxiaFunder propose d’investir dans diverses opportunités de crowdfunding du secteur Litigation.

Quel est le montant minimum requis pour investir sur AxiaFunder plateforme de crowdfunding?

Chez AxiaFunder, vous pouvez commencer à investir avec 1000€.

Quels types d'investissement la plateforme de crowdfunding AxiaFunder plateforme de crowdfunding ?

Le modèle d’investissement AxiaFunder fonctionne est Equity.

Informations générales
Axiafunder is a UK-based crowdfunding platform, which was founded in 2016. To date, more than 1.6 million pounds have been invested through the platform. Axiafunder offers only one type of loan that is litigation finance.
Axiafunder, a UK-based crowdfunding platform, offers a promised return of twice the above-market average return without any justification. The platform has a professional and experienced team who are knowledgeable in this industry. Axiafunder offers some essential features such as secondary market, but not auto-invest and investment diversification. Unfortunately, the platform was not publishing its statistics and did not publish its annual reports for the past years, which can be a potential red flag and can create concerns about the financial health of the platform.
L'équipe du conseil
Axiafunder’s team consists of professionals who have experience in both financial services and commercial litigation. The board and team members that are mentioned on their web page are coming from quite good academic backgrounds such as INSEAD, UCL, and Cambridge University. The CEO, Cormac Leech, has been working in the finance industry, mainly in the lending and equity sectors, such as being a founder and director of the Liberum Alternative Finance previously.
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