

Arbeitest du hier? Dieses Profil beanspruchen

Fundimmo is a real estate crowdfunding platform that offers investment opportunities in diverse projects from €1,000 and above, selected by a team of real estate professionals.

Minimale Investition
1,000 EUR
Ausgeschriebene Rücksendung
Credit card, Bank transfer
297,600,000 EUR
Durchschnittliche Kreditdauer
21 Monate
Was bedeutet Fundimmo bieten ?

Fundimmo is a platform specializing in real estate crowdfunding founded in 2014. It allows its investors to invest from € 1,000 in a wide range of real estate projects (residential, shops, offices, development, real estate renovation, etc.) selected by an advisory committee made up of real estate professionals.

In wen kann investiert werden Fundimmo ?

Private and institutional investors.

Was sind Fundimmo Gebühren ?

FUNDIMMO receives remuneration from the project companies benefiting from the sums invested.

Each of these remunerations corresponds to a percentage excluding tax of the total amount of the sums actually collected, increased, where applicable, by VAT at the rate in force on the day of payment.

This remuneration is payable on the day of transfer to the project company of the sums actually collected via the platform.

Fundimmo ist Mitglied von Financement Participatif France.
Stärke des Profils: Stark
Would you invest via Fundimmo?
Was ist die Zielbranche der Fundimmo Crowdfunding-Website?

Fundimmo bietet an, in verschiedene Crowdfunding-Möglichkeiten aus dem Sektor Real estate zu investieren.

Wie hoch ist der Mindestbetrag, der für eine Investition bei Fundimmo Crowdfunding-Plattform zu investieren?

Bei Fundimmo können Sie mit einer Investition von €1,000€ beginnen.

Welche Arten von Investitionen bietet die Fundimmo Crowdfunding-Plattform zur Verfügung?

Die Investitionsmodelle Fundimmo arbeitet ist Debt.

Fundimmo Alternativen

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crowdfunding report 2023
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