Crowd With Us

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Crowd With Us simplifies property investment, matches investors and developers, and offers low-risk deals via online platform with transparency and risk mitigation.

Minimale Investition
Ausgeschriebene Rücksendung
Credit card, Bank transfer
19,100,000 GBP
Was bedeutet Crowd With Us bieten?

We make property market investment more accessible by offering a portfolio of fixed-return and low-risk property deals.

In wen kann investiert werden Crowd With Us?

The investments on Crowd With Us are only available to investors over the age of 18 who meet certain net worth or investment sophistication criteria.

We accept both the UK and international investors. For non-UK citizens, please contact us, and we will help you through the process.

Was sind Crowd With Us Gebühren?

As an investor, the only fees you will pay are a small 45p fee each time you withdraw funds.

Crowd with Us is paid a ‘success fee’ by the developer when the funds are fully raised for each deal on the CWU website. More details on fees for individual projects can be found in the project listing or Investment summary.


Would you invest via Crowd With Us?
Crowd with Us is a crowdfunding platform that was founded in 2017 in the United Kingdom, and to date, more than EUR 15 million have been invested in different projects through the platform. Crowd with Us offers mainly equity crowdfunding and development loans. The platform does not have an Investment Brokerage/ Crowdfunding licence.
Crowd with Us is a crowdfunding platform based in the UK, offers high return without a clear justification. The platform does not provide a secondary market but has an autoinvest feature.  The financial health of the platform should be improved. Annual reports are not available on the web page as well as the historical loan books. Some potential red flags include the company's high dependence on debt and low liquidity.
The platform provides the names of board members and some employees on their web page. The owners are also mentioned there. The board members are experienced in the financial industry with academic background related to this industry.
Would you invest via Crowd With Us?
Would you invest via Crowd With Us?

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