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Crealsa provides personalized financial solutions (promissory notes discount, invoice advance, credit lines) to companies and self-employed, with an online platform to manage commercial credit requests and an online marketplace for investors. It aims to be a benchmark in fintech sector.

Minimale Investition
10,000 EUR
Ausgeschriebene Rücksendung
Durchschnittliche Kreditdauer
Was bedeutet Crealsa bieten?

Crealsa was born in 2009 with the aim of offering financing in an agile way for Companies and Self-Employed through various Financial Services, such as Promissory Notes Discount, Invoice Advance or Credit Lines.

Our experience in the Financial Sector and in New Technologies has led us to become a benchmark in the Working Capital Financing Sector, by offering personalized solutions adapted to the specific needs of each client, with rigor and transparency, in an agile manner. And simple.

Our Vision is to be a benchmark in the Fintech sector, positioning ourselves as a true Alternative to Traditional Banking . To achieve this goal we have worked on two sides:

We make available to our clients an Online Platform with which they can manage their Commercial Credit requests. With this we intend that Companies and the Self-Employed have financial autonomy by being able to carry out their operations at any time and from any place, improving their cash flows.
We have an Online Marketplace where Investors can participate in Promissory Note Discount or Invoice Advance operations previously financed by Crealsa, in order to be able to offer a product with which to generate recurring income with a high margin of safety.

In wen kann investiert werden Crealsa?

Personal, Corporate

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