
Concrete Investing

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Concrete Investing is the CONSOB-authorized real estate equity crowdfunding platform that allows to view, evaluate and invest in selected real estate transactions quickly and transparently.

Minimale Investition
5,000 EUR
Ausgeschriebene Rücksendung
57,125,000 EUR
Was bedeutet Concrete Investing bieten ?

We evaluate the most interesting investment opportunities on the market and offer investors access to the returns most appropriate to the characteristics of the projects including the maturity of the authorization process, the stage of development, the real estate context and the commercial phase. For this reason we select only around 2% of the operations examined. Our KPIs speak to the effectiveness of our method:

In wen kann investiert werden Concrete Investing ?

Anyone can invest in equity crowdfunding through Concrete Investing. The only two conditions are the age of majority and the possession of an Italian tax code. For investment purposes, the completion of an appropriateness questionnaire is required, the purpose of which is to verify the Investor’s basic knowledge of financial concepts, his understanding of the risks associated with the Investment and his ability to face the potential loss of the capital.

Was sind Concrete Investing Gebühren ?

For Investors, Concrete Investing costs are represented by a one-off fee, calculated as a percentage of the investment and defined based on the project and the amount invested. These costs are explained in the information material of each offer.

Stärke des Profils: Zwischenbericht
Would you invest via Concrete Investing?
Was ist die Zielbranche der Concrete Investing Crowdfunding-Website?

Concrete Investing bietet an, in verschiedene Crowdfunding-Möglichkeiten aus dem Sektor Real estate zu investieren.

Wie hoch ist der Mindestbetrag, der für eine Investition bei Concrete Investing Crowdfunding-Plattform zu investieren?

Bei Concrete Investing können Sie mit einer Investition von €5,000€ beginnen.

Welche Arten von Investitionen bietet die Concrete Investing Crowdfunding-Plattform zur Verfügung?

Die Investitionsmodelle Concrete Investing arbeitet ist Equity.

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