Investors on Bioverge can choose from multiple investment avenues, including:
Access Funds: Diversified portfolios of emerging healthcare startups, allowing a single investment to span multiple companies.
Deal-by-Deal: The option to select individual investment opportunities on a case-by-case basis.
Thematic Funds: Portfolios focused on specific technologies or disease areas, such as longevity, cancer, or digital health.
Bioverge provides healthcare startups with access to capital from a community of informed investors passionate about advancing medical innovation. The platform offers support through its experienced investment team, assisting entrepreneurs in accelerating their ventures and bringing transformative solutions to market.
Bioverge primarily caters to accredited investors, providing them with opportunities to invest in highly vetted healthcare startups. Accredited investors typically meet certain income or net worth criteria, as defined by regulatory authorities.
Bioverge bietet an, in verschiedene Crowdfunding-Möglichkeiten aus dem Sektor Startups, Health & Science zu investieren.
Bei Bioverge können Sie mit einer Investition von US$5,000€ beginnen.
Die Investitionsmodelle Bioverge arbeitet ist Equity.