
Arbeitest du hier? Dieses Profil beanspruchen

All4Funding is a Dutch crowdfunding platform with a focus on real estate financing and investment in companies. They stand out for their flexibility, speed, and critical selection of projects.

Minimale Investition
100 EUR
Ausgeschriebene Rücksendung
Durchschnittliche Kreditdauer
Was bedeutet All4Funding bieten ?

All4Funding is a small platform with a big ambition. We have an honest no-nonsense attitude and we believe that investing in real estate and/or companies is the new saving in 2021. With the chance of a much higher interest rate than at regular banks, saving becomes FUN again in this way. It’s not in our name for nothing!

We have extensive expertise in real estate financing, but the entrepreneur who needs financing is also very welcome. We distinguish ourselves from other crowdfunding platforms through speed and flexibility. Because we are small, we can switch quickly so that the entrepreneur or real estate investor quickly knows where he or she stands. In case of a complete application, we will decide within 48 hours! Of course we are critical of which projects we ultimately place on. We represent the interests of the investor and, in principle, will not let them run any unnecessary risk.

Our office is centrally located in the Netherlands and from there we serve the whole of the Netherlands. Our investors come from all over the country. All4Funding is in possession of an AFM exemption.

Stärke des Profils: Zwischenbericht
Would you invest via All4Funding?
Was ist die Zielbranche der All4Funding Crowdfunding-Website?

All4Funding bietet an, in verschiedene Crowdfunding-Möglichkeiten aus dem Sektor Real estate zu investieren.

Wie hoch ist der Mindestbetrag, der für eine Investition bei All4Funding Crowdfunding-Plattform zu investieren?

Bei All4Funding können Sie mit einer Investition von €100€ beginnen.

Welche Arten von Investitionen bietet die All4Funding Crowdfunding-Plattform zur Verfügung?

Die Investitionsmodelle All4Funding arbeitet ist P2P lending.

All4Funding Alternativen

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crowdfunding report 2023
Holen Sie sich unseren aktuellen Bericht über den europäischen Crowdfunding-Markt 2023

Unser brandneuer Bericht gibt Einblicke in den Zustand des Crowdfunding-Marktes im Allgemeinen und geht detailliert auf Finanzierungsvolumen, Profile von Geldgebern und Fundraisern, regulatorische Auswirkungen, technische Herausforderungen und mehr ein. Holen Sie sich Ihr Exemplar, es ist KOSTENLOS!