Swiss crowdfunding association

The Swiss Crowdfunding Association unites all crowdfunding platforms that operate in Switzerland in order to promote this industry nationally. This allows for better circulation of different practices between operators as well as applied research in the study of the industry. The organisation also keeps up to date with the information released in this area by the media and politicians.

The Purpose of the association is to gather all the crowdfunding platforms in Switzerland.

– promote the domain of crowdfunding in Switzerland;
– help to disseminate the best practices in the domain among its actors;
– do applied research in the field and study the evolution of the domain in Switzerland and in other countries;
– be the reference organization to disseminate information on crowdfunding to medias and politicians.

Die wichtigsten Informationen

  • Adresse Ochsner & Associés Place de Longemalle 1 1204 Genève

Members of Swiss crowdfunding association

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