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Unbroken is a national rehabilitation center in Lviv, Ukraine, providing medical care to war-affected individuals, including reconstructive surgery, orthopedics, and prosthetics. The center also offers physical, psychological, and psychosocial rehabilitation to military and civilian patients.

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Qu'est-ce que Unbroken offrir ?

UNBROKEN. This powerful word is now denoting Ukrainians.

Many of them have lost everything. Home. Family. Childhood. And yet… remained UNBROKEN.

The city of Lviv has turned into a big humanitarian hub in which people fleeing the war are finding refuge. Since February, the First Medical Association of Lviv alone has provided qualified medical help to more than five thousand Ukrainians affected by the hostilities. Every week, wounded patients are transported from front-line hospitals by evacuation trains and ambulances. Treatment of the war-affected Ukrainians takes place within the framework of the UNBROKEN National Rehabilitation Center. This is a unique place where adults and children affected by the war can receive comprehensive qualified medical care. It includes reconstructive surgery, orthopedics and robotic prosthetics. Here, prostheses are not only fitted but also manufactured. In addition, the Center provides physical, psychological and psychosocial rehabilitation of the injured military and civilians. The project is implemented by the First Medical Association of Lviv and the Lviv City Council with the support of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Our goal is to help Ukrainians remain UNBROKEN and get all the necessary help here, in their own country, near their families.

Who can donate on Unbroken ?

Personal, Corporate

Résistance du profil: Intermédiaire

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