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Nlinvesteert aims to provide accessible financing to SMEs through organizing business financing for nearby entrepreneurs. It offers a wide range of financing options to help entrepreneurs achieve their dreams while ensuring a good return on investment for private investors.

Investissement minimum
1,000 EUR
Retour annoncé
Options de paiement
Volume de financement total
Durée moyenne du prêt
Qu'est-ce que Nlinvesteert offrir?

NLInvesteert believes in the importance of accessible financing for SMEs. That is why we organize business financing at nearby entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs make their dreams come true and a wide spectrum of financiers contribute. In addition, private investors (equity/subordinated loans) receive a good return on their capital.

Qui peut investir dans Nlinvesteert?

Corporate and private investors

Nlinvesteert est membre de Dutch SME financing association.
Would you invest via Nlinvesteert?

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