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Lendora is a Swiss crowdlending platform connecting borrowers and investors online for credit accessibility and rewarding investments, with CHF 5mio in loans financed and CHF 350mio loan requests.

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Qu'est-ce que Lendora offrir?

Lendora is a Swiss crowdlending startup. Our platform connects borrowers and investors online to make credit more accessible and investing more rewarding.

Since its launch, Lendora has gathered a community of more than 1’500 smart-money investors and has reached more to CHF 5mio in financed loans, with more than CHF 350mio worth of loan requests on its platform.

We are proud to leverage technology to transform finance for all.

Qui peut investir dans Lendora?

Anyone who owns a registered bank account in Switzerland can participate in financing the loan requests published on Lendora, as long as he or she is not a credit professional. As a registered financial intermediary and in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA), Lendora must formally identify all investors who sign up on the platform.

Lendora est membre de Swiss crowdfunding association.
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