
Vous travaillez ici ? Réclamer ce profil

GivenGain is a unique non-profit foundation that empowers supporters to fundraise on behalf of non-profits to boost their fundraising potential. It also created PayProp, a payment platform for the property industry.

Minimum donation
Options de paiement
Total amount donated
Qu'est-ce que GivenGain offrir ?

As a non-profit foundation, GivenGain is truly one of a kind. Usually, companies become commercially successful before giving back, but in our case, nothing would have happened without the starting belief that “it is more blessed to give than to receive”.

It is with that in mind that we started GivenGain in 2001 with the following simple idea: to massively boost non-profits’ fundraising potential by giving them the tools to empower their supporters to fundraise on their behalf.

It was only in 2004, on the momentum of GivenGain’s core transactional engine, that our Founders created PayProp – essentially a commercialisation of the GivenGain payment platform for the property industry – under the banner of technology services group Humanstate.

Who can donate on GivenGain ?

Personal, Corporate

GivenGain est membre de Swiss crowdfunding association.
Résistance du profil: Fort

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crowdfunding report 2023
Obtenez notre dernier rapport sur le marché européen du crowdfunding 2023.

Notre tout nouveau rapport donne un aperçu de l'état du marché du crowdfunding en général et approfondit les volumes de financement, les profils des bailleurs de fonds et des collecteurs de fonds, les implications réglementaires, les défis techniques et bien d'autres choses encore. Prenez votre exemplaire, il est GRATUIT !