Gera Crowd

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Gera Crowd is a platform for collecting funds for social, cultural or societal projects in Gera and its surrounding region. Donations of €10 or more are matched by additional €10 from EGG’s funding pot.

Investissement minimum
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Options de paiement
Volume de financement total
Durée moyenne du prêt
Qu'est-ce que Gera Crowd offrir?

The Gera Crowd is intended for people from Gera and the region who are looking for support for projects that are close to their hearts. Funds can be collected from family, friends, members or even complete strangers within 60 days. And best of all: For every donation of 10 euros or more, EGG gives an additional 10 euros from the company’s funding pot. The only condition: the project pursues a social, cultural or societal purpose and will be realized in Gera and the surrounding area.

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