Plateforme vérifiée

FINTELUM is a security crowdfunding platform that offers alternative investments in primary and secondary markets to global participants in cryptocurrencies and fiat. It is compliant with EU KYC/AML laws and provides blockchain-based transferable security or utility token issuance.

Investissement minimum
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Options de paiement
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Durée moyenne du prêt
Qu'est-ce que FINTELUM offrir ?

Fintelum security crowdfunding platform showcases alternative investments in primary and secondary market to global participants in cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH) and fiat (EUR), sourced from high-growth projects in Europe. In compliance with EU KYC/AML laws, Fintelum provides Blockchain-based transferable security or utility token issuance and investor relations with ongoing corporate actions.

Qui peut investir dans FINTELUM ?

Global investor, except US persons

Résistance du profil: Intermédiaire
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Quel est le secteur d'activité cible du FINTELUM site web de crowdfunding?

FINTELUM propose d’investir dans diverses opportunités de crowdfunding du secteur Real estate, Startups, SME, Green energy, Health & Science, Sport.

Quel est le montant minimum requis pour investir sur FINTELUM plateforme de crowdfunding?

Chez FINTELUM, vous pouvez commencer à investir avec 50€.

Quels types d'investissement la plateforme de crowdfunding FINTELUM plateforme de crowdfunding ?

Le modèle d’investissement FINTELUM fonctionne est Equity, Debt, Reward, Donation.

Informations générales
Fintelum is a crowdfunding platform registered in 2012 and currently based in Latvia. The platform is authorised by Estonian Financial Intelligence Unit to provide cryptocurrency custodian wallet and exchange services in compliance with EU AML laws. This platform is unique in its operations as it functions as a token launch platform, specialising in security token and initial coin offerings (ISO and ICO).
Fintelum, which is a p2p platform based in Latvia, offers a unique product for the p2p market- platform for ISO and ICO. The platform’s CEO seems rather experienced, however several conventional features are not yet developed for this platform - most importantly, buyback guarantee. Further on, the statistics page is not implemented and the product might be harder to understand for the general crowdfunding public.
L'équipe du conseil
According to the Fintelum webpage, they currently have 12 employees. General information about education and experience is provided only for the managing directors. Current CEO Liza Aizupiete is a graduate of University of Geneva and, throughout career development, has worked not only as a fund and portfolio manager in capital management firms  but has also held management and supervisory board position in her co-founded cryptocurrency exchange.
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Would you invest via FINTELUM?

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