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Emprestamo offers quick and easy financing solutions for companies with pending invoices, without requiring personal guarantees or endorsements, through its online platform.

Investissement minimum
50 EUR
Retour annoncé
Options de paiement
Volume de financement total
Durée moyenne du prêt
Qu'est-ce que Emprestamo offrir ?

Emprestamo is an alternative to bank financing for all those companies that need to request an advance on their invoices. Through the web, companies that have invoices pending collection with clients, will get financing to suit them, in less than 48 hours, without personal guarantees or endorsements, and without consuming CIRBE.

Résistance du profil: Intermédiaire
Would you invest via Emprestamo?
Quel est le secteur d'activité cible du Emprestamo site web de crowdfunding?

Emprestamo propose d’investir dans diverses opportunités de crowdfunding du secteur SME.

Quel est le montant minimum requis pour investir sur Emprestamo plateforme de crowdfunding?

Chez Emprestamo, vous pouvez commencer à investir avec €50€.

Quels types d'investissement la plateforme de crowdfunding Emprestamo plateforme de crowdfunding ?

Le modèle d’investissement Emprestamo fonctionne est P2P lending.

Informations générales
Emprestamo is a Spanish invoice financing platform, which was founded in 2018. The platform acquires the invoices on behalf of investors, who in exchange for their investment obtain a return on the operation. This return is set between 4.5% and 11% per year depending on the risk assigned to the debtor and the term of the operation. To date, more than 500 invoices has been financed through the platform.
Emprestamo is a Spanish invoice financing platform that offers a return on investment of up to 7.2 percent. The site has features like auto-invest, but not the secondary market. The platform makes information about its founders and crew available to the public. The platform's annual report for the previous fiscal financial year is not available on their website. Emprestamo does not publish its historical loan books either.
L'équipe du conseil
Emprestamo are in SegoGroup that has 3 major shareholders : Angels Investment Fund, Picaval and GVC Gaesco. CEO of Emprestamo is Sergio Valcarcel who is also a Director of Operations in SegoGroup.
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Would you invest via Emprestamo?

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