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1%Club connects people and local projects to global goals, providing funding and knowledge. They believe ordinary people can do extraordinary things by acting local.

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Qu'est-ce que 1%Club offrir ?

The 1%Club story is about strengthening people in creating positive change in their community, city, country – or the whole world. Because we believe that ordinary people can do extraordinary things if they set their minds to it. This way, anyone can make a real difference by acting local for the global goals.

Most of the projects we support aim at making tangible improvements for everyday life, both in the Netherlands and internationally. These projects, however big or small, contribute to global challenges as described in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through our international community, we make sure people have access to knowledge and funding from all over the world. We help them tell their story and broaden their network to increase the impact they have on the world around them. By connecting campaigns on our platform to the goals they aim to contribute to, we want to show you how local actions contribute to these global goals. For more information on these 17 goals and the projects that contribute to them, click here.

Résistance du profil: Intermédiaire

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crowdfunding report 2023
Obtenez notre dernier rapport sur le marché européen du crowdfunding 2023.

Notre tout nouveau rapport donne un aperçu de l'état du marché du crowdfunding en général et approfondit les volumes de financement, les profils des bailleurs de fonds et des collecteurs de fonds, les implications réglementaires, les défis techniques et bien d'autres choses encore. Prenez votre exemplaire, il est GRATUIT !