Financement Participatif France

FPF is the professional association of players and the crowdfunding ecosystem in France. It brings together 150 members: crowdfunding platforms (about 70), players in the support and financing of project leaders, individual funders, robo-advisors, law firms, banks, etc.

Created in August 2012, its objective is the collective representation, promotion and defence of the rights and interests of participatory finance actors to advance the financing of projects by citizens. As part of its promotion and educational mission, Financement Participatif France regularly organizes events.

Informations clés

  • Adresse Paris, Île-de-France
  • Qui peut devenir membre ? Crowdfunding platforms, technology providers, public institutions, service providers for fundraisers, service providers for investors
  • Détails de l'adhésion Vérifiez les conditions d'adhésion

Members of Financement Participatif France

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